Bear Creek Observatory was a privately owned amateur observatory specializing in
imaging software for astronomy and open for non-profit educational
outreach programs on a pre-arranged basis. The orginal Observatory building and the
property it was on were sold in July of 2021 and the Dome is not longer available
for events.
The observatory building was designed and built by Jonathan Fay. The entire
structure including the dome was built from scratch from materials available
from your average home improvement store, yet if has advanced features like
automation and synchronized tracking of the observatory telescope. This website
documents some the history of the research, design and contraction of the
observatory along with information and links useful to other amateurs
wishing to build and observatory of there own.
Jonathan is also available for speaking on DSLR astrophotography for astronomy
clubs or non-profit educational environments. He has presented several
talks on DSLR astrophotography at the Table Mountain
Star Party in August. The Powerpoint Slides are
Jonathan is a software developer who has written a nubmer tools to help
make astronomy with Digital cameras easier. He also is a contibutor to the
ASCOM initiative, driving much of the early .NET activity
including reference C# telescope and dome templates, and more recently the
.NET 2.0 framework support for all the ASCOM objects.
Imaging in the dome under the stars. Taken with Canon Eos 300D. Now you can
control your Eos from Maxim/DL. Click here
for more details.